3 Steps To Simplify Your Life Right Now


Ever wished you could have super-human powers? When I was a kid I daydreamed about being like the Bionic Woman. Man, she could do things FAST! Imagine all the things you could accomplish in a day…

As we follow the constant flow of innovation and social media storytelling, it can be tempting to believe that we can have it all and do it all. Right now. The trouble is, we’re rarely asked if we really want it and we’re not told what it’ll cost us.

I’m a big believer in the mind-body connection. On the positive side, the mind can be a strengthening, empowering force that enables our bodies to exceed great limits.  Or, we can treat our bodies with a lack of respect and notice our mindset and overall well being suffer. Throw in a little guilt or the comparison game, and it’s easy to feel stuck in a downward spiral.

If you’ve ever felt the effects of a cluttered life and a cluttered mind, it can be paralyzing.

So how do you gain clarity?

I believe it begins with unplugging from all the noise and getting real with what’s most important to you at this stage of your life. You need to nurture your mind with the truth about who you are and, in turn, use that knowledge to nourish your body.

It is possible to have a full life that’s relatively simple. It begins by asking yourself three key questions.

What’s True?

So often in life, you can allow yourself to be defined by the people around you.  Your mother, a co-worker, an old teacher, or the airbrushed magazine covers in the supermarket check-out line. Before you overload your life with activity and possessions, you need to identify the truth of where you’re really at.  

Start with all the things that are going right in your life and feel gratitude for that. Then consider what isn’t working as well as you’d like. It could be that you’ve been spinning your wheels on some project that you’re just not passionate about. Maybe you’ve been slugging it out through a workout routine that feels like torture and never gets easier. Or your days are jammed from morning to night with activity but no downtime to connect with your loved ones.

What’s Possible?

Once you identify what’s true in your life, you have a place to begin.  What do you want to be possible in your future? What are some action steps you can take to craft the lifestyle you desire?  

At work, you can delegate or begin working more as a team to lighten the load and add creative energy. You can revamp your fitness practice to include a friend, or download one of the many fitness apps that are available. I personally enjoy some online yoga, pilates and HIIT workouts that are hosted online. Do a search to find one that feels good to you and go for it!

Or maybe you’ve been trying to do too much fitness. Yes – there is such a thing. Over-training can negatively impact your health over time. Decide if what you actually need is more rest. You can take a season off from one or more of the physical activities to see how you feel. It’ll also free up more time and space for yourself and your loved ones.

Always remember that you have a choice.  In fact, many choices, big and small, have lead you to this place in your life. You have the ability to make specific choices that will take you where you want to go.  

What’s Next?

It may be more challenging to make changes in some areas than others. Once you begin planning your life according to what’s possible for you, helpful opportunities often begin to arise. You may also begin to feel a sense of excitement for what’s to come, giving you a good dose of endorphins. An added bonus that I’ve always found is that a happy heart is contagious.

When you ask yourself “What’s Next?” you consider a future that will look decidedly different from now. This question empowers you to make choices that nurture your life. Moving ahead, there will be many opportunities to get bogged down by activities that may not be in line with your purpose. Asking what’s next will remind you to stay on track.  

Hello Spaciousness

When you focus your energy on things that feed your purpose and let go of the extras, you create space in your life. This space allows you to be spontaneous and more available to those around you. It’s possible to be so busy living our lives that we become blind to the needs around us. As we fine-tune our priorities, we can be a source of service to others more readily. How wonderful is it to be able to help someone who needs you?  

So ask yourself these three questions about your life to cut through the clutter in your mind. Once you make it a habit of asking them, you’ll find it easier to keep life simple. It could be the key to making your coming year way more effective and on purpose.

Tell Me:

Where are you finding the need to gain more clarity in your life right now? Tell me in the comments. You’ll find that others may share a similar challenge. We’re here to support each other.

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