Diet And Your Hormones


So many diets have come and gone over the years. Think back and try to remember the diets or eating fads you’ve tried. It appears that the diet industry isn’t slowing down any time soon.

During my health coach training, I studied over 100 dietary theories and I’m sure there will be many more to come. As I researched, I noticed something interesting: Not many considered the link between diet and your hormones.

We’re the same…but different.

I believe that women and men are of equal importance and we can both do many amazing things. When you look to our bodies’ hormonal programming though, you’ll find distinct differences. Over the years, diets have focused mainly on caloric intake, activity level, food combining, and ratios of protein, carbohydrates and fat.

How often do you remember seeing a diet that distinguished between male or female hormone levels?

Fortunately, the conversation in the health and wellness space is increasingly considering these contrasts. Women’s health research and advocacy is coming to the forefront and more women are seeking natural support and guidance for their hormonal health and overall wellbeing.

As I listen to women in my local and online community discuss their health, weight loss and hormone balancing are consistently at the top of the list. Energy improvement comes in at a close second. I’m grateful to my mentors and a growing body of research in the field of health and nutrition. This wisdom guides me in coaching women to develop health practices that are best suited to their unique needs.

Are you trying to lose weight? Do you experience many peaks and valleys in your mood and energy levels?

You may wonder why your weight increases or stays about the same, in spite of calorie restriction, extra exercise, fasting, or going Paleo. There are individualized reasons for this that are likely found in your hormonal makeup. Maybe you’ve had success with various diets and are happy with the weight loss results.

I invite you to consider the effects this has had on your hormones.

It’s important for you to know that estrogen and progesterone do more in the body than make pregnancy possible. Estrogen helps you with energy, mood, metabolism, weight loss, anxiety, brain function, stress, bone density, and more. Consistent dieting can disrupt estrogen balance and mess with the way your body’s designed to optimally function. Often the results aren’t felt until into the menopausal years, with hair loss, bone loss, sleep problems, cognitive issues, and more.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing some insights into the connection between your health, weight loss, and your hormones. Making a few tweaks to how you eat and live can make a positive impact to how you age into the future.

Tell me…

When you’ve dieted in the past, have you noticed a difference in your hormonal health? Share below. Your menstrual cycle is a gift and an important marker in your overall health. Make sure to pay attention to it!

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Many Blessings,


PS: If you or someone you know is looking for personalized coaching for hormonal balancing or weight regulation, I’m opening up a few personal coaching spots this month. To schedule your Free 30-minute Health Discovery Call, click here. I’ll also be sharing more insights on this topic over on on Instagram. Stop by and see me this week!

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