Your life is busy. There is a lot to do in addition to your ever growing to-do list. Just when you think you’re getting this healthy lifestyle thing down, another unexpected action item is dropped in your lap. You may feel like this at the work, in your personal life, or both. How do you wade through the urgent and accomplish the necessary without feeling frazzled? Having a time machine would be great because the answer lies in developing a set of health rituals ahead of time.
Back to the future
Wouldn’t it be great if you could hit pause on your day and meander back to last week or last month to tweak a few decisions? Retrospect can be a great tool in moving ahead with greater ease. Imagine if you planned your weeks around some rituals that keep you grounded?
Let me explain what I mean.
I’ve grown fond of making smoothies for my love’s for breakfast and having oatmeal ready for us to quickly get going with our day. Instead of rushing around the kitchen first thing, I prefer to hang out with my family over breakfast. To make this happen, I sometimes prepare the smoothies and make overnight oats for the next day while I make dinner. I simply need to remember to leave enough time to do this… Making it a ritual has been very helpful.
Similarly, if I don’t work out first thing in the morning, it doesn’t get done. Over the years I’ve developed the ritual of rolling out of bed and into my workout gear while my family is still sleeping. These days my morning ritual includes a prayer walk and HIIT workout. This time of solitude connects me with what’s truly important and prepares my mind and soul for the day ahead.
What are some other things that you could establish rituals around?
Making time every week, month or quarter for meaningful activities. For instance, calling a different friend or extended family member for a chat every “so often”, having a regular “reading for pleasure” time, getting lost in writing a song, going stargazing with a loved one in the stillness… There are so many things that we imagine ourselves doing, but never do.
If you think about it, our lives tend to look quite similar in terms of activity each week. And once the weekend comes, it’s easy for our bodies and minds to want to zone out!
Write it down
What if you were to write down all of the things you want to do but seem to never have time for? Would the list be long? Maybe there would only be a few items on it. Either way, Imagine how great it would feel to do those things. Wouldn’t you feel more vibrant and less chaotic? I know I would! Having a relaxed state of mind is a wonderful boost to your health for sure. Creating meaningful rituals in your life can help you achieve this.
This week, I challenge you to join me in creating your own set of healthy rituals. Things you do that boost your health emotionally and spiritually. Get clear on your priorities. One ritual that I started a while ago that has reaped huge rewards is to dedicate 30 minutes at two time periods over the weekend for my online reading. Instead of logging in to read a post here or there throughout the week, I’m more focused during those little gaps of time. It’s allowed me to be more present in other areas of my life, while still staying on top of information I’m interested in.
Enjoy dreaming up your own rituals!
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