As you approach the end of the year, it’s a great time to check in with how you’re feeling. Are you satisfied with the way you’re caring for your health? Are you moving towards the good intentions you have for your life? How’s your spiritual practice?
Last week I suggested that you journal about your how your year went and to explore what you’d like to experience going forward. Allowing yourself to fully feel the emotions associated with your achievements and struggles is a powerful practice. You see where you’ve grown and what doesn’t serve you and you also get to honor the life you’re living.
It can get emotional, but revisiting difficult times can be valuable, because you may have a different perspective on them. The lessons learned may serve you well in the future. Your happy memories get to be enjoyed all over again. In looking back, you may learn how the simple things often bring you the most joy.
I shared some thoughts on claiming space for yourself to stay grounded this season on my Instagram TV channel.
Here are a few questions to guide you in honoring the year you’ve come through and preparing you for the year ahead:
If I had to choose a theme for the past year, what would it be?
What about the past year do I feel most proud about?
Who do I feel most grateful for?
In which area of my life did I grow the most?
How did I surprise myself this year?
What do I need to forgive myself for?
Who else needs my forgiveness?
In which area of my life am I feeling compelled to grow?
How do I most want to feel going forward?
What do I want the theme of the coming year to be?
The messages you continually receive from news and social media encourage lack, comparison, and fear of not being or having enough. When you make sacred space to ask yourself questions like these, you change the channel. The answers you arrive at can guide you towards the life you truly want to live.
When you’re ready to write, find a spot where you can be alone, turn on your favorite music, light a candle and pour your favorite beverage. The practice of honoring your year is a gift you give yourself and it stays with you as you move forward.
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