How Detoxification Works


Detox has become a buzz-word in wellness circles. It’s often referred to when people are “detoxing from coffee” or going on a “sugar cleanse.” These things are very healthy to do, but overall detoxification is so much more. Understanding how detoxification works will lead you to making gradual improvements in your longterm health.

The foods, household, and personal care products we use everyday have a huge impact on our body’s performance. Pesticides are found in foods and drinking water, (think runoff from rivers and streams) and chemicals are innocently inhaled from cleaning products. We also absorb daily doses of parabens into our skin from personal care products and we inhale perfumes laden with chemicals.

I know. It’s a drag!

I love a squeaky-clean house and the fragrant smell of perfume or scented candles too. But I love having a healthy set of lungs and a well-functioning body more. Fortunately there are solutions. We’ll get into those later.

Where Toxins Live

Synthetic neurotoxic chemicals are lipophilic, which means they love fat. Toxins accumulate in the body because they resist breaking down in water and are stored in body fat for a long time. It’s very difficult for toxins to exit fat tissue. Once enough of these toxins enter a cell, they begin to alter its function. This can lead to many different nervous-system and immune disorders.

Heroic Skin

You may not think of it, but your skin is an organ. It helps to detoxify your cells for optimal health. Your skin absorbs everything you expose it to. Think of the cosmetics, deodorants, lotions, fragrance, and cleaning products you use daily. Not to mention the uncontrollable pollution that surrounds you and the water you bathe in. Now consider the amount of skin you have and the organs and body structure it’s designed to protect. It makes sense that treating your skin well will have a positive effect on your health.

Life-Giving Lungs

Your lungs are made up of a soft, sponge-like tissue that cover an astounding inner surface area of 80-100 metres. They’re responsible for carrying oxygen to your red blood cells and removing carbon monoxide from your body. The respiratory system is designed to filter out pollutants and organisms that may enter your nose or mouth. Regularly ensuring you breathe in large doses of clean, fresh air is optimal for lung health.

These two major organs take in many toxins each day and were designed to filter, cleanse, and protect your other body functions. When working properly, they help keep your body healthy and strong. Unfortunately, our world is over burdened with environmental pollutants. Especially if you live in the city, avoiding environmental toxins is a real challenge.

It’s worth the wait

Fortunately there are ways you can help your body detoxify on a regular basis. This is not a quick fix, however. A healthy chemical detox should take place over a six month duration, depending on your metabolism. It’s a process that involves healing your body from the inside out.

Detox Rituals

The great news is that once you commit to the process of detoxifying your body, you’ll already have embraced some daily detox rituals. Your liver will ready to remove any toxins you come into contact with much more effectively.

Clean House of The Chemicals

Switch out your soaps, cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, deodorants, and other personal care items for paraben and sulfate-free versions. Parabens cause estrogenic activity in your cells, which can potentially lead to cancer and birth defects over time. They can create reproductive problems in both men and women.

Sulfates in soaps like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) make sudsy bubbles. The flip side is that they are aggressive detergents that can be irritating and drying to your body. Avoiding these help to protect the delicate balance of your scalp and skin.

Find natural, eco-friendly versions of household cleaners. Vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and hot water are effective natural cleaners. Read labels on store-bought cleaners to avoid harsh chemicals and clean with latex-free gloves. Not only will your skin be protected, but your lungs will breathe easy by avoiding nasty chemical fumes.

Drink Lemon Water

Lemons contain citric acid that aids in digestion and elimination. Drinking lemon water every morning is an excellent way to remove toxins from the body that have accumulated from the previous day. It’s a gentle way to give your liver some assistance as it works over time in removing everyday environmental toxins. The bonus is that it helps the bowels eliminate toxins and assists in reducing gas and bloating. As lemon cleanses the colon, it also helps boost the nutrient levels in your colon.

After starting your day with lemon water, make sure you drink 8-10 oz of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and to aid your body in the detox process. Drink up!

Dry Brush

An excellent way to support your skin’s regeneration is dry brushing. This simple habit can support your liver, kidneys, digestive system, and immune system. As dead skin cells and oil secretions build up in your pores, it becomes difficult for toxins to be released by sweating. This often shows up in the unpleasant form of acne and skin rashes. By daily dry brushing your skin, you allow the skin to breathe as it should.

Make sure you use a natural brush on dry skin. Brush in circular motions, leading from your extremities towards the lymph glands and heart. Always shower after your dry brush to remove the skin cells. To further nourish and soften your skin, liberally rub in coconut oil. This practice improves the efficiency of your lymph system and circulation.

Sweat It Out

Now that your pores are all cleared out, they can function as they should. Exercise that makes you break a sweat is not only good for your heart and lungs, but also for toxin removal. Sweat may contain toxins like heavy metals or pesticides. Sitting in a dry sauna for 10-15 minutes or doing a hot yoga class are great options as well. Ensure you stay hydrated and use a clean towel to avoid the transfer of bacteria.

Pure Shower Power

A shower or bath is so soothing, especially after a good workout. It’s hard to imagine that it could contain toxins. Chlorine, aluminum, pesticides, fluoride are contained in some municipal water systems. Installing a water filtration system that removes these chemicals from your water will lower your exposure to unnecessary harmful chemicals. Consider adding essential oils like lavender to your bath to further detoxify.

Wash Your Produce

Buying organic produce is a wonderful way of avoiding ingesting pesticides. Make sure you wash your produce before storing it in your fridge. You can easily make your own natural produce cleanser by diluting 1 cup of white vinegar in a sink-full of room temperature water. Soak your produce for up to an hour, gently scrub, and rinse. Remember your bananas! Just like the skin on our bodies absorbs everything, so does the skin on our fruit and veggies.

Eat More Fiber and Supplement

As you consistently avoid taking in toxins from household and personal care products, you body functions so much better. Eating more fibre in the form of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains assists your body in releasing harmful chemicals as well. Using a complete antioxidant complex, like these further protects your body’s functions at a cellular level. More white blood cells are created and your immune system is further strengthened. Taking a multi-vitamin, antioxidant, and mineral complex daily is one more daily ritual to strengthen your body’s defenses.

Release Stress

Chronic stress is a toxin that can do serious damage to your health. Making time to slow down and check in with yourself enhances all of the other tips. Experience nature alone or with a friend, pray and meditate, breathe deeply, exercise, and laugh out loud! All of these things help to release stress hormones and boost your mood.

As you implement these simple habits, you’ll find a noticeable difference to your wellness. Our bodies are a miracle that we get to watch unfold every day. May you live life to the fullest!

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