Do you like listening to podcasts? I’ve just recently gotten into listening to a few that are relevant to my life right now. I love that I can listen with my earbuds while I do rote tasks like chopping veggies for dinner or doing the dishes. Usually I’m jamming to music while doing these things but lately, I’ve been craving some mind soul food and these podcasts really fit the bill.
As I was listening today, (making my favourite veggie chili) I found myself mentally jotting down notes of things I want to do in the coming months. Some things I want to do with my guy, my kids, and my business. I found myself getting really jazzed. You see, I’ve just come through a season of change with my extended family and I’ve had blinders on during the process. Now that I find a little bit of normal returning to my life, I’m filled with ideas that spark joy in my heart.
Something unexpected that has come from this experience is that I’ve found it more easy to surrender. To let go of the order of all my plans. And that’s what excites me most about life right now. It strikes me that the tighter we hold on to our plans, the harder we can make it on ourselves to grow and fully enjoy our lives.
This week, as you traverse the intricate set of circumstances that form you and your life, I want to encourage you to surrender too. Â I pray that you will experience a knowing that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to, whether or not it matches what you have mapped out. It might just be even better than you could have planned.
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